Welcome to the turningpoint churches, Incorporated as Cranbourne Christian Fellowship Centre Inc. (CCFC) a full gospel Church committed to serving Jesus Christ.
Jesus said “I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it”. This is the New Testament Church that Jesus made possible on the cross, to bring healing, renewal, redemption, forgiveness, transformation and love.
A church that expresses:
ï‚· - Loving God: fully, completely and passionately
ï‚· - Loving People: the way Jesus loved us
ï‚· - Loving Life: walking out a full life in Christ
As in the first Church of Acts chapter 2, believers were ADDED to the Church, as they “continued steadfastly in the apostles teaching, fellowship, communion and prayer.
Here at turningpoint we are dedicated to the same principles as the early Church. We are working ‘together’ to be a New Testament Church in our local community.
We are committed to a church whose members genuinely display a lifestyle in accordance with the high standard of Scripture and a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ.
We recognise the importance of sound doctrine, supporting fellowship, submission and authority, open worship, self-propagation of the church and working together with other Church fellowships, with the Word of God the “Holy Bible” being the final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
We at turningpoint see the outworking of our faith in our regular attendance to Public Worship services, Connect Groups and honouring Biblical marriage and family as the core of our society.
If you are in agreement with this vision, and are prepared to abide by the Scriptures and the constitution of CCFC Inc., please read the following requirements, and complete the form so you are able to call turningpoint Church your church home.
I hereby apply for Partner Membership with voting rights at Cranbourne Christian Fellowship Centre Incorporated, and sincerely acknowledge that I: